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Network and HTTP


query(array form_values) : string

Converts an associative array into a form-style string, used for e.g. application/x-www-form-urlencoded requests or HTTP query strings.

query(['country': 'Curaçao', 'population': 158665]) 
// country=Cura%C3%A7ao&population=158665

http(string url, array options) : array

Sends a HTTP request and returns an array with the following keys containing response data:

  • content (contains a cURL error message in case of an error)
  • status (null in case of an error)
  • headers
  • url

Options array

The options array can contain the following keys; none are required.

  • mode - string, one of: text (default), multipart, urlencoded, forward
  • content - string, body content, used when mode is text
  • method - string, HTTP method, e.g. POST
  • multipart - array of arrays, used when mode is multipart, containing keys:
    • name - required, string, form item name
    • filename - string
    • content-type - string
    • content - string
  • urlencoded - array of arrays, used when mode is urlencoded, containing keys:
    • name - required, string, form item name
    • value - string
  • headers - array of strings, HTTP headers
  • skip_ssl_verification - default false, skips TLS/SSL certificiate validation for HTTPS requests
  • timeout - number, default 5, timeout in seconds

POST Request

To send a simple POST request containing e.g. JSON data, use the following:

        'method': 'POST', 
        'content': '{"example": "json"}', 
        'headers': ['Content-Type: application/json']

form/multipart request

        'method': 'POST',
        'mode': 'multipart', 
        'multipart': [
                'name': 'value1',
                'content': 'This is a value',

request(string url, string body, string method = 'GET', array headers, bool override = false, timeout = 5) : array

Sends a HTTP request and returns an array with the following keys containing response data:

  • content (contains a cURL error message in case of an error)
  • status (null in case of an error)
  • headers
  • url

The headers should be an array of strings, for example:

  'Content-Type: application/json',
  'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*'

To get a JSON document, validate if valid JSON, and get a property:

response = request('')

decoded = json_decode(response['content'])
if (decoded) {
  value = decoded['value']

If override is set to true, none of the content from the original request is included (e.g. query strings, headers, content.)

multipart(string url, array items, string method = 'POST', array headers, num timeout) : array

Sends a HTTP Multipart request, e.g. for uploading files.

name (the form name value) and content are required in the items array; the rest is optional.

timeout specifies the request timeout in seconds.

The return value is an array with the following keys containing response data:

  • content (contains a cURL error message in case of an error)
  • status (null in case of an error)
  • headers
  • url


  '', [
      'name': 'file[]',
      'filename': 'file1.txt',
      'content': 'hello world',
      'headers': ['Header1': 'value', 'Header2': 'othervalue']
      'name': 'client_id',
      'content': 'abcd123',
  ['Api-Key: xxxx']

url_decode(string value) : string

Returns an URL-decoded version of value.

url_encode(string value) : string

Returns an URL-encoded version of value.

url_encode('here\'s a value') // here%27s+a+value

Last update: April 6, 2024 10:34:57