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What is a "webhook"?

The term 'webhook' refers to the general technology of how Web-based systems talk to each other.

In short, many systems (for example, a payment platform and a customer management system) communicate with each other by sending Web requests back and forth, for example, from https://paymentsys.example to https://customersys.example/register-payment and vice-versa.

More about webhooks.

What is is a tool for building software that not only use webhooks but other types of communication, either by allowing developers to inspect the data that's being sent via a webhook, but also helps users create workflows that respond to and interact with webhooks from various systems.

When visiting, users instantly get a free, unique, random URL and e-mail address. Everything that's sent to these addresses are shown instantly. With this, users can test and debug Webhooks and HTTP requests, as well as create workflows using the Custom Actions graphical builder or WebhookScript, a simple scripting language, to transform, validate and process HTTP requests in a variety of ways – without setting up and maintaining your own infrastructure. is a registered corporation in Denmark since August 2020.

Company information company stats as of October 2024:

  • 280.000+ monthly unique users
  • 2100+ subscribed customers
  • 250 million HTTP requests per day is operated by Webhook ApS (VAT ID: DK41561718).

Address: Damhusvej 95, 3 tv, 5000 Odense, Denmark.

Company director: Simon Fredsted.

Contact information.

What are some common uses for

  • Receive Webhooks without needing an internet-facing Web server
  • Creating advanced workflows/automations that run when a URL is requested or an email is received
  • Use as an intermediary, proxying requests and being able to see what was sent in the past
  • Send Webhooks to a server that's behind a firewall or private subnet
  • Transforming Webhooks into other formats, and re-sending them to different systems
  • Connect different computer systems or APIs that aren't compatible
  • Building contact forms that e.g. send emails
  • Instantly build APIs without needing infrastructure

The following video is a quick demo of Custom Actions is used to set up a workflow to post updates from a news page to an X/Twitter account automatically.

Why should I pay for a subscription?

  • URLs never expire (free URLs expire after 7 days)
  • No limit on the amount requests, emails, DNSHooks a URL can receive (free URLs accept a max of 100)
  • The data sent to your URLs is protected in your account
  • Custom aliases for your URLs (
  • You can manage your URLs with our Control Panel
  • Unlimited e-mail support
  • Features like Custom Actions, CSV Export and Schedules
  • Higher rate limits on API endpoints

Click here to create a subscription.

Is my data private?

Yes. Per default, all URLs associated with a paid subscription are protected with login. Additionally, users can decide exactly how much (or little) data stores, either by amount of requests/emails, how long a URL stays active or other criteria, like the content of a request or email.

For users of the free version of, as the free version operates without a login, data is accessible to anyone who knows the ID of the URL.

Can I use for production workloads?

Yes. Thousands of our customers use to build workflows that help their business, without needing to hire a programmer or pay for and setup servers. We take care of the infrastructure so you can build what you need.

How much data does store?

For each URL associated with a subscribed account, makes the latest 10.000 requests or emails available. Old requests are automatically rotated/purged periodically.

In other words, A URL associated with an upgraded account will keep accepting an unlimited amount of requests and emails, but only the latest 10.000 will be available. (If you want to store data permanently, you can use Custom Actions to transfer data to a storage provider like AWS S3 or Dropbox.)

For free users of (URLs not associated with an upgraded account), the URL stops accepting new requests and emails after a limit of 100 requests or emails. However, the limit is automatically removed once the URL is upgraded and associated with a account.

How long is data stored on

For Free users, the URL – and its data – is automatically removed after 7 days with no activity.

For paid customers, URLs never automatically expire, but data is automatically removed after a maximum of 365 days.

How can I automatically remove data from

Many business have strict requirements on the amount of data that can be stored by third-party companies. provides several flexible ways to implement requirements like these.

By amount

You can lower the request history amount of stores on your URL.

The default request limit is 10.000. Any value lower than that can be used.

If the value is set to 0, no request history is stored in the Cloud, but Custom Actions will execute, requests are streamed to the interface and CLI forwarding will function.

To change it, click Edit in the upper-right corner, or use the API via the request_limit parameter.

By date

Using the API (specifically, the Delete Multiple Requests endpoint) and Schedules, you can easily auto-dete data from URLs with very flexible settings.

To set it up, first, create an API Key.

Then create a Schedule like the following screenshot.

In this example, will remove data older than 7 days every 24 hours. now-12h would be 12 hours. More date format examples.

Remember to click the URL Encode button before saving.

  • URL: - replace 00000000-0000-0000-000000000 with the URL/Token ID.
  • Method: DELETE
  • Headers: Api-Key: 00000000-0000-0000-000000000 - replace 00000000-0000-0000-000000000 with your API key.
Auto JSON in action
Automatically removing requests using API and Schedules

What's a "Token"?

A Token is how a URL is referred to in our API, it's the technical name for it. A Token corresponds to a unique UUID, which is also the Web address, email address and DNSHook address. A Token acts as a container for requests, emails and DNS queries. More about Tokens

How do I transfer my account and data?

To hand over your account to a different business or individual you essentially only need to change the email address, as it is the only piece of identification we store. However, be aware of the following:

  1. If billing details need to change, make sure to cancel the subscription first. The subscription will continue to work until the expiry date.

  2. If 2-Factor Authentication is enabled, disable 2-Factor.

  3. For Enterprise users, make sure you delete any extraneous users.

  4. Delete any extraneous API keys that you should no longer have access to.

  5. Change the account email address to the receiver's email address.

  6. You, or the account receiver, can then issue a Password Reset email so they can set their own password.

  7. The account receiver can then create a new subscription on the account.

After this, you will no longer have access to your account and it is fully handed over.

I want to whitelist in our firewall, which IPs do you use?

You'll need to whitelist the IPs,,

Both inbound and outbound originate and destinate at these IP addresses.

Note that this may change in the future, so sign up for the newsletter to be notified of changes.

How do I add authentication to my URL?

Basic Auth

The easiest way to add authentication is by using the Basic Auth action type. More about the Basic Auth action.


You can also use the Conditions Custom Action to add a quick header based authentication mechanism to your URL. You can also add the Don't Save action as a condition if you don't wish to save the unauthenticated request.

Quick Conditions Based Authentication

Can I get a push notification on my phone when my URL receives a request?

Via Custom Actions, supports servies like Pushed and Ntfy, both which have free tiers.

Alternatively, at least on iPhones, you can use the Send Email custom action and mark the sender address as VIP. This will trigger a push notification when the email is received.

Can I pay via invoice?

After you've paid for and created a subscription, you will receive an invoice via email.

If you are an enterprise customer that wishes to buy a subscription via bank transfer, please contact Support.

How do I add my company name to my invoice?

Go to Control Panel -> Billing, then click View next to an invoice and finally click the "Add Address & VAT Number" link.

How can I see the pricing in my currency?

Once you start the checkout process, you will see the amount in your local currency, including any applicable VAT.

The JSON data is in a weird format/can't be parsed by Extract JSONPath

The JSON data might have been attached to the request as form data rather than as request body data, which is usually how JSON is sent.

The data might look like this on

JSON Form Data

To remediate this in Extract JSONPath, you'll need to set the source field to the form field variable, which is automatically set by In the screenshot above, the variable name would be $request.form.my_json_data$, which works with Extract JSONPath:

JSON Form Data in JSONPath

JSON data is invalid when using the HTTP Request action

If you use any variables in the JSON that could contain e.g. new lines or quote characters, these characters need to be "escaped" properly so that the JSON remains valid. provides an easy way to do this with the .json Variable Modifier, which will automatically escape any special JSON characters. More info here.


  "message": "$request.query.message$"

After, with the JSON Escape Variable Modifier:

  "message": "$request.query.message.json$"

How do I export the data stored on

With Pro, there's a variety of different ways to export data sent to your URL or email address.

  1. Custom Actions can be used in a variety of ways to export data. Below are listed a few examples of actions that could be used. More info here.

  2. provides a CSV Export functionality, simply click the button in the menu to download all data as a CSV file.

    CSV Export

  3. Data can be retrieved and saved using the API using any programming language.

  4. With the CLI (Command-Line Interface), requests can be forwarded directly from to a local workstation or server. More info here

How do I send data to my computer/localhost?

There's several ways to accomplish this depending on your needs.

  1. You can periodically fetch the data using the API

  2. Requests can also be streamed to a local URL using the CLI, in a similar fashion to e.g. ngrok.

  3. also supports the XHR Redirect feature, which uses your browser in order to forward the requests. The endpoint will need to respond with CORS headers in all requests so that the browser will be able to send requests to it. The forwarding will only work as long as the browser window is open.

The following CORS headers should allow to forward requests to your local endpoint via XHR Redirect:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: *
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: *
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Content-Length,Content-Range

How can I test an IPv6-only request?

If you access with the hostname, your URL will only work with IPv6.

To use it with a URL, simply replace the hostname with

I'm getting a 404 Not Found, what's wrong? / When does URLs expire?

Using the free version of, URLs automatically expire in 7 days. After that, the URL is no longer available and data is deleted.

With the paid version, Pro, URLs never expire automatically.

I'm getting a 405 Method Not Allowed, what's wrong?

You might be copying the URL for the application (by copying the link from your browsers' address bar), and not the actual URL. app (⛔️ wrong):!/view/6dbb3859-4ad5-4e85-acae-e44d6e37ea4a url (✅ correct):

I'm getting a 429 Too Many Requests, what's wrong?

First, make sure that you have copied the correct URL, see here.

For free users: The URL has met the limit of the amount of requests it can receive. To unlock more requests, the URL must be associated with a Pro or Enterprise account. To associate a URL to your account, click Upgrade in the upper-right corner when logged in.

For Pro or Enterprise users: If you're getting this error with a URL, the URL may have been automatically blocked due to an extraordinarily large amount of requests, as per the Fair Use guidelines in our Terms of Service. This is done to prevent a decrease in service level for our other customers. For more info, or to request a whitelisting, please contact Support. If you're getting this error with a API endpoint, you have exceeded the API endpoint quota, and should implement e.g. a backoff strategy.

I'm getting a 413 Payload Too Large, what's wrong? / What's the request size limit?

The HTTP body data (e.g. files or JSON data) submitted to must be below 10 megabytes. More than that will cause a HTTP 413 response.

I'm getting an "Access Control Check error"

If you're requesting the endpoint from another domain via JavaScript, you'll need to enable CORS so the browser allows the request.

To do this, click Edit in the upper-right corner, check the Add CORS headers checkbox, and click Save.

What is a DNSHook?

For more information about DNSHook, please see here.

What does "This URL has no default content" mean?

When a URL is created, this is simply the default HTTP response of it. On, you can change this by clicking Edit in the upper-right corner, or via the API, using the default_content parameter.

With a subscription, you can also use the Modify Response action.

Last update: October 8, 2024 09:13:58