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Adding rows to an Airtable Base

While doesn't have a native integration with Airtable, due to the simple API, it's exceedingly easy to add rows to a so-called Airtable Base.

First, create an API key on your Account page:

Next, go to Airtable's API documentation and select the Base you want to interact with: In the upper right corner, make sure show API key is checked.

Creating an Airtable row using the API documentation

If you then scroll down to the Create records section, you can essentially copy everything over to a Send Request action.

Things to note:

  • The Request Method should be POST
  • Make sure you copy everything between --data ' and the final ' (quote) character
  • Also make sure that quotes aren't included in the two header lines

Last update: April 6, 2024 10:34:57