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Action Types


Extract JSONPath

This action runs a JSONPath query on the contents of a request. With it, you can extract any data from a JSON document and store it in a variable, which can then be used in a downstream action.

JSONPath is very similar to the jq commandline utility.

JSONPath Examples

Example data:

  "store": {
    "name": "Cool Books Ltd",
    "books": [
        "title": "12 Rules for Life",
        "author": "Jordan B. Peterson",
        "author.age": 60,
        "price": 10,
        "isbn": "13123123123"
        "title": "How to Win Friends and Influence People",
        "author": "Dale Carnegie",
        "price": 9,
        "isbn": "23482394"
JSONPath Result name property of store object
.store.books[0]["author.age"] author age of first book (bracket syntax can be useful for e.g. keys containing periods)
$.store.books[*].author the authors of all books in the store
$ all authors
$.store..price the price of everything in the store.
$..books[2] the third book
$..books[(@.length-1)] the last book in order.
$..books[-1:] the last book in order.
$..books[0,1] the first two books
$..books[:2] the first two books
$..books[::2] every second book starting from first one
$..books[1:6:3] every third book starting from 1 till 6
$..books[?(@.isbn)] filter all books with isbn number property
$..books[?(@.isbn != '')] filter all books with isbn that isn't null or "" (empty string.) (Bracket syntax can also be used here, e.g. .values[?(@['my value'] != '')])
$..books[?(@.price<10)] filter all books cheaper than 10
$..* all elements in the data (recursively extracted)
JSONPath Syntax
Symbol Description
$ The root object/element (not strictly necessary)
@ The current object/element
. or [] Child operator
.. Recursive descent
* Wildcard. All child elements regardless their index.
[,] Array indices as a set
[start:end:step] Array slice operator borrowed from ES4/Python.
?() Filters a result set by a script expression
() Uses the result of a "script" expression as the index

For more details on what's possible with JSONPath, take a look at the docs.

As you start entering a JSONPath, the results are validated and shown next to the input field.


This action automatically converts JSON data to Variables, and can be used as an alternative for Extract JSONPath when there's a large amount of variables that need to be extracted.

Auto JSON in action
Auto JSON in action

Per default, the action works on the JSON found in the $request.content$ variable, e.g. the request body data.

If the JSONPath parameter is specified, this can be used to limit the variable creation to only the subset of data specified by the JSONPath query.

Auto JSON Example

If the following data is specified in the Source parameter:

  "Actors": [
      "name": "Tom Cruise",
      "age": 56,
      "Born At": "Syracuse, NY",
      "Birthdate": "July 3, 1962",
      "photo": ""
      "name": "Robert Downey Jr.",
      "age": 53,
      "Born At": "New York City, NY",
      "Birthdate": "April 4, 1965",
      "photo": ""

If the JSONPath parameter is empty, the following 10 variables will be created:

Variable Name Value
$$ Tom Cruise
$json.Actors.0.age$ 56
$json.Actors.0.Born At$ Syracuse, NY
$json.Actors.0.Birthdate$ July 3, 1962
$$ Robert Downey Jr.
$json.Actors.1.age$ 53
$json.Actors.1.Born At$ New York City, NY
$json.Actors.1.Birthdate$ April 4, 1965

If the JSONPath parameter is set to .Actors.0, only the following 5 variables are created:

Variable Name Value
$$ Tom Cruise
$json.0.age$ 56
$json.0.Born At$ Syracuse, NY
$json.0.Birthdate$ July 3, 1962

Extract Regex

This action runs a Regex (regular expression) query on the contents of a request. With it, you can extract any data from a text document and store it in a variable, which can then be used in a downstream action.

As you start entering a Regex, the results are validated and shown next to the input field.

Extract XPath

Similar to the Extract JSONPath Custom Action, Extract XPath lets you extract values from an XML or HTML document and save the result as a variable.

XPath Examples

The following examples are based on this XML document:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<organization name="ExampleCo">
    <employee id="1">Jack</employee>
    <employee id="2">Ann</employee>
Example XPath Notes Result
/organization Finds all content within the organization element Jack
//employee[@id != 1] // traverses all <employee> elements in document, the @id query selects all except those with id=1 Jack
/organization/@name @name to get the "name" property of the element ExampleCo
/organization/employees/employee[2] [2] specifies 2nd element Ann
/organization/employees/employee[2]/@id Get the "id" property of second employee element 2
/organization/employees/employee[@id=1] Employee element with id property equal to "1" Jack
/organization/employees/employee[last()] Last employee element Ann
//employee[contains(@id, "2")] Employee within any parent element where id contains "2" Ann

For more examples, see W3CSchools or XPath Cheatsheet

Replace Text

An action that allows replacing multiple inputs to a string with specified replacements. Additionally, will replace all variables in the source text as well as the text being replaced, and the replacement.

Split Text

Split text into multiple variables. Using hello,world as Source, and , as Delimiter, 2 variables will be created: $variable.1$ is "hello" and $variable.2$ is "world".

Entering \n as Delimiter will split text by each line.

The maximum amount of variables created is 1024.

Map Text

Sets a variable depending on what maps to the source value and operator.

If we set Source to John, Operator to ends with, Variable Name to $user_id$, Default to unknown, and add a mapping of From: John -> To: 123, then the variable name $user_id$ would be set to 123.

If the Source had been Jack, $user_id$ would have been set to unknown.


HTTP Request

This will send a HTTP/HTTPS request from the cloud.

The HTTP Request action has several modes:

  • Text: In the default text mode, this allows sending plain-text content, but also data like JSON and XML.
  • JSON: Similar to the Text mode, but also sets the Content-Type header to application/json and allows JSON formatting.
  • Multipart: With Multipart selected, it is possble to build a form/multipart request and send form data and files. Note that the Filename and Content-Type fields are not required.
  • URL Encoded: In URL Encoded mode, the keys and values are sent using URL Encoding.
  • Forward: In forward mode, all data sent to the URL is forwarded here, including the HTTP method, query strings, headers and body data. It is possible to overwrite the method and append headers. To forward the HTTP method, set the Method dropdown to the blank option.

The response of the request is stored in a series of variable names prefixed with a value of your choosing. The following variables are set after the request has been fired:

  • $your_prefix.content$ - response body content
  • $your_prefix.status$ - response status code
  • $your_prefix.headers$ - response headers
  • $your_prefix.url$ - the URL the request was sent to
  • $your_prefix.error$ - if the request resulted in an error, it's stored in this variable.


When checked, this option will cause the HTTP to be retried in case of a network error, timeout, or related issue.

Retry configuration screenshot
Retry configuration screenshot

Per default, there are 3 retries (4 requests total) with 1 second delay between each retry.


As URLs have a maximum of 30 seconds to respond, it's best to use a low delay and retry number that stays under 30 seconds total. Otherwise there's a risk the actions won't complete. Alternatively, you can mark the HTTP Request action as Queued, which has a timeout of 120 seconds.

If a status code is specified, the request will also be retried when the response status doesn't match the specified status code. The character * can be used as wildcard, e.g. 20* will match any status code in the range 200-209.

Each retry attempt will add an extra line of output.

Send Email

This will send a email with variable contents from the cloud. Variables extracted previously can be used.

Send Email (SMTP)

This will send a email with variable contents from your own email provider. Variables extracted previously can be used.

Gmail and Google Workspace

For Gmail, the following specific setup is required:

  • Hostname:
  • Port:587
  • Username: or (replace with your Gmail address)
  • Password: You must create a Mail App Password
  • Encryption: TLS

Run SSH Command

Allows you to run one or more SSH command on a server. captures the output (stdout), stderr and the command exit code as Variables that can be used in downstream actions:

  • $ssh.stdout$
  • $ssh.stderr$
  • $ssh.exit$

We recommend authenticating using a pre-generated keypair, which can be created under Control Panel -> Providers.

SFTP Upload

Allows uploading a file to a SFTP (SSH) server, specifying a hostname, port, username, password, relative path to the file. The file content can be specified, in which Variables are replaced.

We recommend authenticating using a pre-generated keypair, which can be created under Control Panel -> Providers.

SFTP Download

Allows downloading a file to a SFTP (SSH) server, specifying a hostname, port, username, password and the path to the file. The file content is downloaded to a Variable.

We recommend authenticating using a pre-generated keypair, which can be created under Control Panel -> Providers.

FTP(S) Upload

Allows uploading a file to a FTP or FTPS (FTP with TLS/SSL) server, specifying a hostname, port, username, password, relative path to the file, whether to use SSL and whether to use passive mode. Finally, the file content can be specified, in which Variables are replaced.

We recommend storing the password as a Global Variable.

FTP(S) Download

Allows downloading a file to a FTP or FTPS (FTP with TLS/SSL) server, specifying a hostname, port, username, password, path, whether to use SSL and whether to use passive mode. The file content is downloaded to a Variable.

We recommend storing the password as a Global Variable.

Database Query

Allows running a database query, with support for fetching out data in a series of variables. We recommend storing the password as a Global Variable. The query timeout is 10 seconds.

Supported Database Servers

Currently supported are:

  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL/MariaDB
  • Microsoft SQL Server

If your database server is not on the list, please contact support.

Using Parameters

When using e.g. INSERT or UPDATE statements, you should use parameters for each column value. Doing this, you avoid SQL injection attacks and other issues when using user-submitted data (e.g. via Variables), or even just data containing special characters like quotes, that could otherwise break a query.

Each parameter name should start with a colon (:) and be a single word. You can then reference these parameters inside the query, like in the following example:

Fetching data

When fetching data using e.g. SELECT statements, automatically inserts data in a series of Custom Action Variables, which are then available to downstream actions.

For example, when fetching rows from the following table:

Using the following statement:

select * from employees

If the variable name prefix would be set to output, the following variables would be created containing specific values:

Variable Name Value
$$ 1
$output.0.fname$ Simon
$output.0.lname$ Fredsted
$output.0.title$ Founder
$$ 2
$output.1.fname$ Jack
$output.1.lname$ Daniels
$output.1.title$ Assistant

A variable would be created with the name $output.json$ containing the data in JSON format:

    "id": 1,
    "fname": "Simon",
    "lname": "Fredsted",
    "title": "Founder"
    "id": 2,
    "fname": "Jack",
    "lname": "Daniels",
    "title": "Assistant"

A variable named $output.rows$ - containing the number of affected rows - would be set to 2.

If the action encounters an error, the $output.error$ variable is set to the error message. You can use this to check that the action was successful in conjunction with the Conditions action, specifically the variable exists operator.

Postgres Endpoint ID

If your database host requires an endpoint ID to be specified, you can do so via the Password field, for example: endpoint=my_endpoint;password. Replace my_endpoint with the endpoint ID, and password with the actual password.


Don't Save

Marks the request so it is not saved in, which is useful (especially in combination with Conditions) when receiving a large amount of requests.


Adds a custom log entry to the Request's action output.

Modify Response

This action can be used to modify the response of the URL based on the input.

Rate Limit

This action can be used to allow a specific amount of requests in a specific amount of time per a given IP.

If the IP is rate limited, the URL will respond with a HTTP 429, action execution is stopped, and the request is not saved in


Immediately stops Custom Action execution and returns the default response.

Basic Auth

With this action, the URL is protected with Basic Authentication. If the username and password combination is wrong, the request is automatically marked as Don't Save, action execution is stopped, and the response status is HTTP 401. The action has no effect for emails or DNSHooks.

Basic Auth works with the Authorization HTTP header, where the username and password is encoded in base64, separated by a colon (:). For example, a successfull request when the username is user and password is pass123 would have the following header:

Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzMTIz
Basic Auth in browsers
Basic Auth in browsers

When the URL is visited with a Web browser, a username and password form will be shown.



"Condition" Custom Action screenshot

Useful if you need to validate that the request does or does not conform to certain criteria, the Condition action will either stop or continue based on a condition.

In both the input and the value fields, variables will be replaced (including Global Variables from the Control Panel), so you can compare e.g. JSONPath or Regex values - or even values from a previous HTTP request that was sent.

Currently, three actions are provided: use result, stop and continue. Use Result allows using the Condition result in further actions. Stop will stop further action execution of the condition is a match. Continue will only continue further execution if the condition is a match, and otherwise stop.

To make an is equal to condition on a boolean value from a JSON structure, you can enter 0 for false or 1 for true.

Operators with value argument

  • is equal to
  • is not equal to
  • starts with
  • ends with
  • contains
  • does not contain
  • is greater than
  • is greater than or equal to
  • is less than
  • is less than or equal to

Operators without value argument

  • variable exists - whether a variable is defined
  • is numeric - whether input is numeric; examples include 42, 123.45, 0x539, 02471, 0b10100111001
  • is integer - whether input is an integer; 42 is; 123.45 is not.
  • is float - whether input is a valid float/double (e.g. both 42 and 123.45 are valid)
  • is json - whether input is valid JSON
  • is email
  • is domain - e.g.
  • is URL - e.g.

The "result" of the condition will be logged below the request details, so you can see what happened.

To use the result of the Condition, select it in the "only run when condition passes" checkbox:

Tip: To check if a Variable is set (or exists), you must enter the variable name in both input and value fields and use the "is not equal to" operator, since non-existing variables are not replaced.


With the JavaScript action, you can execute JavaScript code using a Node.js sandbox that runs on the cloud.

General Functions

console.log(line) / echo(line) - log a string to Action output

set(variable_name, value) - sets a variable for use in downstream actions

The following code would set the variable $myvar$ to value:

set('myvar', 'value')

get(variable_name) - gets a variable (except Global Variables; use the global() function for that)

variables - global array variable containing variables

global(variable_name) - retrieves the value of a Global Variable. Must be used async. Returns null if variable doesn't exist.

echo(await global('my-variable'))

store(variable_name, value) - stores the value of a Global Variable. Must be used async.

stop() - stops action execution and return response

dont_save() - marks current requests as Don't Save, so it won't be stored or shown in the requests list

respond(content, status, headers) - stops action execution and return response

respond('OK', 200, ['Content-Type: text/plain'])

set_response(content, status, headers) - sets response, but doesn't stop action execution

Utility Modules

Code executed with the JavaScript action runs in a sandbox where the following utility libraries are available by using the require() function:

  • axios - HTTP Client
    axios = require('axios')
    await axios.get('')
       .then(response => {
    // 200
  • lodash - General utility library
    _ = require('lodash')
    console.log(_.last([1, 2, 3]))
    // 3
  • dayjs - Date and time manipulation
    dayjs = require('dayjs')
    // "2011-10-16T16:17:56.406Z"
  • cheerio - JQuery-like HTML selector library
    cheerio = require('cheerio')
    const $ = cheerio.load('<ul id="fruits">banana</ul>');
    // banana
  • jsonpath - JSONPath query library
    jsonpath = require('jsonpath')
    var cities = [
      { name: "London", "population": 8615246 },
      { name: "Berlin", "population": 3517424 },
    var names = jsonpath.query(cities, '$');
    // ["London","Berlin"]
  • crypto – Node.js built-in crypto library
    crypto = require('crypto');
    const secret = 'abcdefg';
    const hash = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret)
                   .update('I love')
    // 1745c764246c2782ebf97e25b89547a92571f19d41846b42880d3815480f098e
  • faker - Seed data generator
    faker = require('faker')
  • nats - NATS Client
    const nats = require('nats')
    const nc =  nats.connect({ servers: ["", ""] });
  • supabase - Supabase Client
    const createClient = require('supabase')
    const supabase = createClient('', 'public-anon-key')
  • moment - Date and Time library
    const moment = require('moment')
    const startOfLastWeek = moment().subtract(1, 'weeks').startOf('isoWeek').startOf('day').format();
    // 2024-09-16T00:00:00+02:00

Do you need a library that isn't listed here? Please contact support!


"WebhookScript" Custom Action screenshot

Executes custom scripts using a scripting language that's very similar to JavaScript and PHP.

For more information about WebhookScript, see the dedicated page.

Set Variable

Defines (or overwrites) a variable that's available to downstream actions. The variable is not saved permanently as a Global Variable.

There are three modes:

  • Text: Using the default "Text" mode, the variable is simply set to what's entered in the Text field.
  • Random: When using the "Random" mode, you can generate a random string for e.g. one-time identifiers and passwords.
  • Date: Generate date strings specifying a custom input date and an output format - defaults to ISO-8601 format.
Set Variable Date Mode example
Using the Set Variable action in the Date mode to create a date string 30 days in the past

Store Global Variable

Saves (or overwrites) a Global Variable that's saved permanently and available to all URLs in your account. If you don't need to save the variable permanently, you should use the Set Runtime Variable instead.


Generate PDF

Takes either HTML or markdown input and generates a variable ($pdf$) containing the PDF file contents. You can enter this variable in e.g. an Send Email attachment content field, or with the Modify Response action (remember adding a Content-Type: application/pdf header!)

If you have issues with special characters/scripts rendering as question marks (?), make sure you're using a font that supports those characters as the default fonts may not support it. You can import your own fonts using CSS, for example, inserting this HTML snippet in the <head> section will import the Roboto font from Google Fonts and use it as the default font:

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<style>* { font-family: Roboto }</style>

Resize Image

Takes an image from either a URL or raw image data from e.g. a file upload, email attachment, request response or another action such as Dropbox.

You can enter both width and height to contrain the image in both dimensions, or enter a single dimension.

Check "Keep Aspect Ratio" so that the image keeps the aspect ratio, but doesn't exceed the height and width constraints.

Google Sheets


Google Sheets should not be used as a database, and have low usage limits. If you need to import on the order of thousands of rows or make thousands of calls a day, Google Sheets cannot be used. We recommend using a database like Postgres in conjunction with the Database Query action.

Google Sheets Custom Actions lets you manipulate and retrieve values from a Google Sheet.

The following Google Sheets Custom Actions are available:

  • Add Row - appends one or more new rows to an existing spreadsheet
  • Update Row - updates one or more cells in an existing spreadsheet
  • Get Values - retrieves one or more cell values from an existing spreadsheet

To start, you need to make sure that you have connected a Google account in the Control Panel, available here.

After that, you can select the account in the dropdown when creating the Custom Action.

Usage Limits

It is important to note that Google will block Write requests (i.e. adding or updating rows) at 60 requests per minute. After that, the action will temporarily fail with the following error message:

Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Write requests' and limit 'Write requests per minute per user' of service '' for consumer

Therefore, for importing mass amounts of data in a short timespan, Google Sheets is not recommended. Instead, we recommend using the Database Query action.

Additionally, will automatically disable Google Sheets actions that continously fail due to e.g. quota errors.

Specifying the spreadsheet

When specifying the spreadsheet, you can either just copy/paste the spreadsheet URL or enter the spreadsheet ID. Variables can be used to specify the spreadsheet.


All actions must specify a range, which behaves similar in all actions. For the Add Row action, Google Sheets will automatically find a "table" (e.g. a homogenous mass of data) and add the values at the bottom.

A range is the same query as in Google Sheets, e.g. to select A1-C3 in Worksheet "Example", enter 'Example'!A1:C3.


When inserting or updating values, you can either enter a value in the text field, or supply multiple cells and/or rows using JSON. To insert two rows, the JSON would be ["cell 1", "cell 2"].


The Get Values Action allows you to define variables based on the output. Since this action can return multiple pieces of data, multiple variables are created.

For example, if you select two columns and two rows, e.g. A1:B2, four variables would be defined:

  1. variable_name.0.0 = value of A1
  2. variable_name.0.1 = value of A2
  3. variable_name.1.0 = value of B1
  4. variable_name.1.1 = value of B2

Additionally, the data is available in JSON, with the variable_name.json variable being defined, and continuing with the example above, would contain the following JSON:




With, you can now use your Microsoft account to upload and download files in your OneDrive account using the Upload and Download Custom Actions.


Using the Add Rows and Get Values actions, now allows using your Microsoft account to append and retrieve data from Excel worksheets in your OneDrive account.

Add Rows

To use the Add Rows function, the Microsoft API requires that data is inserted into a Table. Therefore, before starting, make sure you have a Table in your workbook, and enter the correct Table name.

Finding Table name in Excel
Finding Table name in Excel

To create a table, select a range and click Insert -> Table.

Creating a Table in Excel
Creating a Table in Excel

Error: You do not have permissions to open this file in the browser

This error seems to have started happening around Feburary 2024 for some users. All 3rd parties - including - that connect to Microsoft's API are affected. There is no known solution at the moment. We encourage users experiencing this to contact Microsoft Support.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)


The following actions are available for AWS S3:

  • Create Bucket
  • Create Object
  • Delete Object
  • Get Object (retrieves object contents to a Variable)

In addition to the "official" Amazon endpoints, also supports S3-compatible storages like Google Cloud Storage, DigitalOcean, MinIO, Wasabi and more. The endpoint can be specified when setting up the account in Control Panel.

Using with Google Cloud Storage

To use the S3 action with a Google Cloud Storage bucket, do the following:

  1. Go to Google Cloud Console → Cloud Storage → Settings → Interoperability
  2. Create keys for either an existing or a new Google Service Account
  3. Copy Access key in AWS IAM Key
  4. Copy Secret in AWS IAM Secret
  5. Enter in Custom Endpoint
Using S3 with Google Cloud Storage credentials
Using S3 with Google Cloud Storage credentials

When creating the S3 action, you can leave the Region field blank.


The "Create Invalidation" action allows you to dynamically create a CloudFront cache invalidation as a Custom Action. Both the Distribution ID and the paths to be invalidated are replaced with Variables.


With the Discord Custom Action, you can send messages to a specified channel (Each bot account uses a specific channel, so you can connect more accounts to send to different channels or servers.) In addition, you can choose a custom username and avatar image for the bot user.

"Discord" Custom Action screenshot


With the Slack Custom Action, you can easily use Slack's Webhook URLs to send messages to a channel.


The Dropbox integration has access to the entire contents of your dropbox, and currently the following actions are available:

  • Create Folder
  • Download File
  • Upload File
  • Delete File
  • Delete Folder
  • Get Link - creates a temporary download link for any file in your Dropbox, and saves it in a variable.


With the HubSpot application, you can create Contacts in our HubSpot CRM system. (This action is new, and we're still exploring possibilities - if you want more capabilities for the HubSpot action, please let us know!)

"HubSpot" Custom Action screenshot

X (formerly known as Twitter)

The X Integration supports the following actions using X's API:

  • Post Tweet


The RabbitMQ Integration allows you to publish and consume messages from a RabbitMQ queue by specifying the server connection details.


With the Send Push Notification action, you can easily send push notifications to your mobile devices using your account.

"Pushed" Custom Action screenshot

With a free account, you can send up to 1000 push notifications a month.

Allows you to easily send push notifications to your browser, phone, watch, etc. Simply download the app, subscribe to your topic name and send a message to the topic name via this Custom Action. No account required.

App download links:

Last update: October 11, 2024 07:55:44