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Custom Action Variables

These functions lets you interface with other Custom Actions by getting and setting variables from them. These functions are also how you retrieve Global Variables defined in the Control Panel.

var(string variable_name, ?string/number default) : mixed

Retrieves the value of a Variable or Global Variable (defined in the Control Panel). The surrounding dollar signs are not mandatory.

Returns null (or the value of default) if the variable does not exist.

var('request.header.x-request-verification') // returns value of the `x-request-verification` header

set(string variable_name, string variable_value)

Exports a Variable for use in downstream actions, like the Set Runtime Variable action.

For example, the following code:

set('myvar', 'Hello world')

Would cause the string $myvar$ to be replaced with Hello world in all subsequent actions.

store(string global_variable_name, any value): any

Permanently creates or updates a Global Variable (as defined in Control Panel.)

The value can also be retrieved with the var() function in subsequent action executions.

delete(string global_variable_name)

Deletes a global variable.

variables : array

A variable (not a function) containing an associative array with all available variables.

user_agent = variables['request.header.user-agent']

Last update: April 6, 2024 10:34:57