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array_contains(array array, string/number needle) : bool

Returns true or false depending on whether array contains a value equal to needle.

To check whether a key exists, use the array_has function.

employees = [6547: 'Simon', 235345: 'Jack', 4657: 'Jim']

dd(array_contains(employees, 'Simon'))
// -> true

array_chunk(array array, number count, bool preserve_keys = false) : array

Splits a single array into chunks of count. When preserve_keys is set to true, the array keys are preserved.

test_arr = [
    'a': 123,
    'b': 234,
    'c': 345,
    'd': 345, 
    'e': 456

dump(array_chunk(test_arr, 2, true))
// -> [0: ["a": 123, "b": 234], 1: ["c": 345, "d": 345], 2: ["e": 456]]

dump(array_chunk(test_arr, 2, false))
// -> [0: [0: 123, 1: 234], 1: [0: 345, 1: 345], 2: [0: 456]]

array_copy(array array) : array

Returns a copy of array

array_diff(array array1, array array2) : array

Returns the items of array1 that are not present in array2 while keeping the array indices.

array_get(array array, string/number index, any default) : any

array_has(array array, string/number key) : bool

Returns true if array contains key, and false if it does not.

To check whether a value exists, use the array_contains function.

employees = [6547: 'Simon', 235345: 'Jack', 4657: 'Jim']

dd(array_has(employees, 235345))
// -> true

array_join(array array, string joiner) : string

Returns a string where all the values are joined by joiner.

['hello', 'world'].join(',')
-> "hello,world"

array_keys(array array) : array

Returns the keys of an array.

array_length(array array) : number

array_map(array array, func function)

Runs function with each array value, and returns array with key as result.

employees = ['Simon', 'Jack', 'Jim']

result = array_map(employees, function (employee) {
    return 'Hello, '+employee+'!'


// -> [0: "Hello, Simon!", 1: "Hello, Jack!", 2: "Hello, Jim!"]

array_merge(array array1, array array2): array

Merges 2 arrays into a single array.

test1 = [123, 234, 345]
test2 = [345, 456]

dump(array_merge(test1, test2))

// -> [0: 123, 1: 234, 2: 345, 3: 345, 4: 456]

array_number_of(array, string/number value) : number

Returns amount of value

array_pop(array array) : any

Pop element off end of array

array_push(array array, any value) : any

Adds value to end of array and returns value

array_random(array array) : any

Returns random value of array

array_range(array array, int offset, ?int length = 0, ?bool preserve_keys = false) : array

Returns a range of array, starting from offset, and returns the amount specified in length if set (otherwise until the end of the array.)

If preserve_keys is true, the result has the array keys preserved.

array = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five']

dump(array_slice(array, 2))
// [0: "three", 1: "four", 2: "five"]

dump(array_slice(array, 2, 2))
// [0: "three", 1: "four"]

dump(array_range(array, -3, 2))
// [0: "three", 1: "four"]

array_reverse(array array) : array

Returns array in reverse order

employees = [6547: 'Simon', 235345: 'Jack', 4657: 'Jim']

// -> [0: "Jim", 1: "Jack", 2: "Simon"]

array_shuffle(array array) : array

Returns shuffled version of array

array_sort(array array) : array

Sorts array by its values. Keys are kept as-is.

array_splice(array array, int offset, ?int length, array replacement) : array

Removes length amount of values from array, starting from offset (if offset is negative, starts from the end of the array.)

If replacement is specified, the removed values are replaced with it.

array = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five']

dump(array_splice(array, 2, 2))
// [0: "one", 1: "two", 2: "five"]

dump(array_splice(array, 2, 2, ['hello']))
// [0: "one", 1: "two", 2: "hello", 3: "five"]

array_values(array array) : array

Returns the values of an array.

employees = [6547: 'Simon', 235345: 'Jack', 4657: 'Jim']


// -> [0: "Simon", 1: "Jack", 2: "Jim"]

to_array(array array) : array

Returns array.

Last update: April 6, 2024 10:34:57