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API Endpoints: Requests

The Requests API is used to retrieve, manipulate and delete data sent to a given token (URL, E-mail Address or DNSHook.)

Capture request

any method /:tokenId
any method /:tokenId/:statusCode
any method /:tokenId/(anything)

If statusCode is valid, that HTTP status will be used in the response (instead of the default.)

Instead of tokenId, an the alias of the token can also be supplied. Multiple subpaths, e.g. /:tokenId/api/v1/users, will also be captured.

If the Token has a timeout value, there is a dynamic rate limit of 100 ÷ timeout requests per minute, e.g. a timeout of 30 allows for 3 requests per minute, and 1 second allows for 100 requests per minute.


The default response (or a response set with e.g. the Modify Response Custom Action) of the Token will be returned.

Get requests

  • Can require authentication.
  • Rate limit: 120 requests per minute.

GET /token/:token_id/requests

Lists all request sent to a token.

Query string parameters

  • sorting (string) - either newest or oldest (default)
  • per_page (int) - amount of requests returned, defaults to 50 (max 100)
  • page (int) - page number to retrieve (default 1)
  • date_from, date_to (date string) - filter requests by date, format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
  • query (string) - filter requests by a query string search (see below for examples)

Search query examples

The following fields can be used to filter via the query parameter:

  • uuid
  • token_id
  • team_id
  • type
  • hostname
  • size
  • content
  • time
  • created_at
  • updated_at
  • custom_action_output
  • note
  • files.[id]
  • headers.[header]
  • method - type web only
  • user_agent - type web only
  • url - type web only
  • ip - type web only
  • query.[field] - type web only
  • request.[field] - type webonly (form fields)
  • sender - type email only
  • text_content - type email only
  • message_id - type email only
  • checks.[type] - type email only
  • destinations] - type email only

You can filter requests by the following syntax:

  • foobar - if no field is specified, content is searched (equivalent to content:foobar)
  • content:foobar - returns requests or emails with body contents containing the word foobar
  • method:GET - returns all requests with method GET
  • headers.user-agent:"Paw/3.3.5 (Macintosh; OS X/11.6.2) GCDHTTPRequest" - search value of user-agent header
  • query.action:create - returns requests that have the query string action set to create.
  • _exists_:query.action - returns requests where the action query parameter exists
  • type:web / type:email - returns either Web requests or emails
  • type:web AND method:POST - AND query
  • method:PUT OR method:POST - OR query
  • (method:PUT) AND (content:example OR content:test) AND NOT (content:foobar)
  • created_at:["2022-01-01 00:00:00" TO "2022-12-31 00:00:00"] - date range query
  • created_at:["2022-01-01 00:00:00" TO *] - date range query (from date until now)
  • created_at:[* TO now-14d] - date range query (in this example, all requests older than 14 days; reference for date expressions)

Full URL Example

If you're in doubt about where these parameters go in an API request, take a look below. This URL combines a search query via the query parameter (searching requests containing the word foobar), as well as the sorting and per_page parameters.


  "data": [
      "uuid": "a2a6a4ae-4130-4063-953a-84fa29d81d43",
      "token_id": "a94a7294-c4aa-4074-ab77-c4cf86fd53b1",
      "ip": "",
      "hostname": "",
      "method": "POST",
      "user_agent": "Paw\/3.1.8 (Macintosh; OS X\/10.14.6) GCDHTTPRequest",
      "content": "{\"first_name\":\"Arch\",\"last_name\":\"Weber\"}",
      "query": {
        "action": "create"
      "request": {
        "status": "example"
      "files": {
        "file": {
           "id": "98bf4c25-58ab-4c5d-ba91-fb6f709ea78d",
           "filename": "example.png",
           "size": 420915,
           "content_type": "image/png"
      "headers": {
        "content-length": [
        "user-agent": [
          "Paw\/3.1.8 (Macintosh; OS X\/10.14.6) GCDHTTPRequest"
        "request-id": [
      "url": "https:\/\/\/a94a7294-c4aa-4074-ab77-c4cf86fd53b1\/201?",
      "created_at": "2019-10-03 19:06:35",
      "updated_at": "2019-10-03 19:06:35",
      "custom_action_output": []
  "total": 1,
  "per_page": 50,
  "current_page": 1,
  "is_last_page": true,
  "from": 1,
  "to": 1

Export requests to CSV

  • Can require authentication.
  • Rate limit: 3 requests per minute.

GET /token/:token_id/requests/export

Returns a CSV file with all requests (maximum 10000.) The amount of columns of the CSV vary depending on the request data headers, query strings, form fields, files, etc.

Query string parameters

  • sorting (string) - either newest or oldest (default)
  • per_page (int) - amount of requests returned, defaults to 10000 (max 10000)
  • page (int) - page number to retrieve (default 1)
  • date_from, date_to (date string) - filter requests by date, format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
  • query (string) - filter requests by a query string search (see here for examples)


200 OK

Get single/latest request

  • Can require authentication.

GET /token/:token_id/request/:request_id

GET /token/:token_id/request/latest - retrieves the latest request sent to the URL


  "uuid": "a2a6a4ae-4130-4063-953a-84fa29d81d43",
  "token_id": "a94a7294-c4aa-4074-ab77-c4cf86fd53b1",
  "ip": "",
  "hostname": "",
  "method": "POST",
  "user_agent": "Paw\/3.1.8 (Macintosh; OS X\/10.14.6) GCDHTTPRequest",
  "content": "{\"first_name\":\"Arch\",\"last_name\":\"Weber\"}",
  "note": null,
  "query": {
    "action": "create"
  "headers": {
    "content-length": [
    "user-agent": [
      "Paw\/3.1.8 (Macintosh; OS X\/10.14.6) GCDHTTPRequest"
  "files": {
    "foo": {
      "id": "65d6e0ce-a840-47bc-b6b6-ff1ff38c34ca",
      "filename": "example.json",
      "size": 5132873,
      "content_type": "text/plain"
  "url": "https:\/\/\/a94a7294-c4aa-4074-ab77-c4cf86fd53b1\/201?",
  "created_at": "2019-10-03 19:06:35",
  "updated_at": "2019-10-03 19:06:35"

Get raw request content

  • Can require authentication.

GET /token/:token_id/request/:request_id/raw

GET /token/:token_id/request/latest/raw - retrieves the latest request sent to the URL

Returns the request as a response (body, content-type.)


200 OK

Update request

  • Can require authentication.

PUT /requests/:token_id/requests/:request_id

Currently only the note field can be updated (max 10.000 characeters).


  "note": "Hello world"


200 OK

Set Response

  • Can require authentication.

PUT /requests/:token_id/requests/:request_id/response

Dynamically sets a response for a specific URL request when the Token has a listen property greater than 0. Used for CLI dynamic response forwarding.

The data of the content parameter must be base64-encoded.


  "content": "SGVsbG8gd29ybGQK",
  "status": 200,
  "headers": {
     "Content-Type": "text/plain"


200 OK

   "status": true

Download request file

  • Can require authentication.

GET /token/:tokenId/request/:requestId/download/:fileId

Files that are included in a request or as email attachments are available to download using this endpoint.


304 Redirect

Delete request

  • Can require authentication.

DELETE /token/:token_id/request/:request_id

Deletes a request.


200 OK

Delete multiple requests

  • Can require authentication.
  • Rate limit: 10 requests per minute.

DELETE /token/:token_id/request

Deletes all requests associated with the token, or if query, date_from and/or date_to is specified, only that subset of requests is deleted.

Query string parameters

  • date_from, date_to - filter requests by date, format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
  • query - filter requests by a query string search. See here for examples.

Full URL Example

A request to the following URL will delete all requests on a Token older than 14 days, due to the query parameter being created_at:[* TO now-14d]. You could use this in a Schedule to delete old requests from a URL periodically.[* TO now-14d]


200 OK

Last update: July 17, 2024 19:03:21